Devlog 11: The game is done!

The last week

Hello everyone!

After a long and exciting journey the time has finally come for our final devlog! Over these last two weeks we focused on adding all the necessary details and overall finishing up the game. Let's dive into the features and updates we've implemented since our last devlog.

Everything we added

Our whole fair is now filled with customers taking a rest on the benches and sitting on all the attractions.
The manager also got an upgrade to his desk with buttons to help with the voting and a bigger nameplate so everyone knows where he's sitting.

We also improved the UI a lot, the player scores and timer now have a nice frame and we also have a background for our main menu.
We also decided to only show the player scores on the endscreen since it would sometimes give away the imposters identity during the game and it made our UI very busy. Doing this also gave us room to add a colored vignette effect to signal if a side is close to losing.

The dunk tank and manager also have some new UI elements making it more clear when you're able to vote and where to put the player you've picked up. Our endscreen also got a lot better with a well deserved confetti celebration for the winner and a stormy cloud for the loser. We have added more clarity involving tasks using outlines around the objects you're repairing and adding a colored pulse around the trash. A lot of bug and crash fixing was also done. There was a timer added to the voting and end screen and the balance in points between the two teams has been improved.





UnFair 486 MB
May 29, 2023

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